October 18th around noon, I lost my Lily. She had a thyroid condition and I thought she was doing better. The day before she didn't want to eat but was so active. She wanted to go outside but something told me not to just let her out so I carried her and we looked at the plants and flowers still left from summer. Then she went into my bedroom and layed on my pillows for awhile. She seemed like she was having a good day.
The next morning (Thursday) she was laying on her bed and didn't get up. She was dreaming so I let her sleep. I thought she must be extra tired from the day before. Then I realized she wasn't moving much.
I called the Vet thinking maybe she was just not feeling well. But when I picked her up to put her into the carrier, she was so still and not reacting much. My heart sank. By the time I got her to the Vet he told me she was already going through the dying process. He stayed with me and listened to her little heart. I just kept petting her.
Although her heart was still kind of beating he said, I knew she was gone from me. Her eyes weren't responding to me. I knew she wasn't with me anymore. I miss you My Lily Pod - I miss you so.
Lily was really a beautiful kitty. She had the most gorgeous markings for a Siamese and her one back foot was totally white. She loved this one area of my garden. This spring when she loved to go outside by the apple tree, I'll sprinkle a few of her ashes. She loved it there.
aka Miss Lily Pod
October 18, 2012
I will always love you
For quite some time, I have been trying to gain the trust of the most adorable little tabby with blue crossed eyes. Since I live in the country I do get many kitties that are "barnyard only" from my neighbors. These kitties tend to be rather distrusting of people and just come around for extra treats and to visit and many are homeless. Over the years I've had several. Found homes for most and did the best with the rest giving them warm shelter and food.
This last one I named Albert. For reason this little guy really got under my skin. During all my stupid medical garbage, his health took a turn for the worse. I noticed he wasn't as fat and happy. As soon as I could I took him to my vet and discovered he had lymphatic cancer. My vet told me it was best to put him down because he would suffer so much.
It had taken me a long time to gain his trust and I feel so horrible about the entire incident. I hope there is a heaven and he's finally at peace and loved more than I ever could love him. I had him cremated.
I will always love you Albert. You will always be part of my heart.
ALBERT aka Peachy Kitty
June 9, 2011
Hey anderson. Small world, I first saw you on Carder method and now through a friends blog.
Sorry to hear about Albert, I had my dog put down a couple of weeks ago, I know exactly how you feel, I'm sure you gave him a better life than he would have had without you.
Forgot how good your paintings are! looking amazing. Keep it going.
Hi James it's great to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear about your dog. When you loose your best friend which for us animal lovers it's our pets, it's really hard. I know you will keep a special place in your heart for your dog always.
I hope you are still working on your art. You have a great talent and it would be a shame not to share that with the world. Thanks for stopping by and please keep in touch:-)
I miss you Albert:-(
I have a great big lovable black tabby
after loosing our Russian Blue and can only say we are sorry for your loss.
La verdadera historia de la EPOC que cambió la vida.
Mi padre fue fumador durante cuarenta años. Comenzó cuando era un adolescente en la escuela secundaria a principios de la década de 1950 y continuó fumando alrededor de un paquete al día hasta que lo dejó en 1995. Durante años pensó "¿Sabes? Fumé durante cuarenta años y me salí con la mía". !" No. No, no lo hizo. En 2014, diecinueve años después de dejar de fumar, comenzó a notar que tenía problemas con las sibilancias y sentía que le faltaba mucho el aire. Fue diagnosticado con EPOC en etapa temprana. Durante el primer año, pudo arreglárselas simplemente usando inhaladores de rescate de vez en cuando, pero a finales de 2015 necesitaba oxígeno suplementario. Al principio, podía arreglárselas con la configuración más baja del tanque de 1 litro por minuto, pero a medida que pasaba el tiempo, necesitaba un concentrador de oxígeno en casa y necesitaba más y más oxígeno. El año pasado (2020) alcanzó la configuración más alta del concentrador de oxígeno de 5 litros por minuto, incluso mientras estaba sentado. En ese momento me había mudado con él para cuidarlo. A veces él estaba jadeando por aire y me preguntaba "Hijo, ¿la máquina está encendida? Simplemente no puedo obtener suficiente aire" su condición empeoró, nuestros corazones se derritieron cada momento mientras lo veíamos jadear, estábamos seguros él moriría en cualquier momento, cuando comencé a leer los comentarios de YouTube, me topé con un comentario que decía que hay un médico herbolario tradicional llamado Dr. Itua Herbal Center hombre que cura esta dolencia y otras enfermedades humanas, lo contacté rápidamente y ordené el hierbas con el dinero de mi padre porque ya no las necesitaría porque se moriría en cualquier momento, yo recibí las hierbas en dos días y desde ese momento las usó, empezó a sentirse cada vez mejor, a las pocas semanas estaba completamente curado, gracias por leer esta historia sobre la experiencia de mi padre con la EPOC. Si conoce a alguien que fuma y lo ama, anímelo a dejar de hacerlo. Amamos a Daddy.all gracias al Dr. Itua.
si tiene esta dolencia u otras dolencias como... Alzheimer, cáncer, Parkinson, VIH, herpes, VPH, enfermedad renal, diabetes, hepatitis, envíe un correo electrónico al Dr. Itua Herbal Center en
drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com también conversó con él en el número de whatsapp: +2348149277967. y él te enviará hierbas para curarte por completo.
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